This programme has been designed to help important International wine and food lovers to approach the marvellous and secret world of Truffles in Tuscany through a comprehensive format based lesson by the personal experience of a real truffle hunter.

During the Academy Mr Giulio Benuzzi a full licensed truffle hunter will teach you in a educational way the real world of the Tuscan truffles.

After this wonderful experience you'll have a special truffle tasting-lunch to enjoy this special natural product.



● Origin of the truffles in Tuscany
● Classification and presentation of each different varieties
● The different season of the truffles
● Truffles and trees a special symbiosis
● The real life of a truffle hunter
● The relationship between the truffle hunter and his dog
● Dog training techniques
● Truffle cleaning and maintaining technique
● During the Truffle Academy you will have also a truffle tasting to enjoy the freshness of this unique deliciousness  


- 10.30 a.m. arrival at the truffle house, welcome aperitif with truffles delicates
- 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 a.m. Truffles academy lesson
-  1.00 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. truffle tasting

For Info and Booking please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  
This an example of the tasting menu offered: Eda roll with fresh truffles, home made stuffed focaccia with truffle sauce, bean soup with fresh truffles and truffle sweet dessert 

,Barbera and Vinsanto wines.

Rates: euro 160,00 x person with cash payment. .( we plan the experience for groups of minimum 3 persons.)

Price includes: An English speaking tour leader for the whole tour, visit to the truffle house, 2 hours truffle lesson ( around the Tuscan planet of truffles) , truffles tasting lunch with wines.

Start of the program 10.30 a.m. End of the program 2.30 p.m. On request, for group of minimum 3/4 persons I can plan all year round some interesting, fun and learning Truffle walk experience around the Florentine forests hills.

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